Sticky Notes - Mocktails for Everyone!
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Mocktails for Everyone!

December 28, 2022 by Emily Moore

2023 will be SODAlightful!

  • Where do dinosaurs go for a drink? JUICErassic Park

After all the holiday celebrations and excesses, January is when many people recognize the need for a break or re-set. 

These days if you’re choosing to drink less or not at all, you’ve got plenty of company. Surveys show that in January 2021, as many as 15% of Americans took a break from alcohol. Trends like “Dry January” and “Sober October” indicate that there’s a substantial cultural shift afoot (or, as my dad might say, amouth!). For a variety of factors, the Mindful Drinking Movement (a.k.a "Sober Curious" is gaining traction, especially among young people. It’s estimated that while roughly 42% of millennials drink on a regular basis, only 21% of Gen Zers do so.

Make it Festive!

Whether you’re rethinking drinking or just looking for a beverage the whole family can enjoy, here are three Sticky Fingers Cooking mocktail recipes that will add some sparkle to your glass!

Make it Special!

When our kids were around 4 and 6, we picked up a set of crystal-like goblets at a thrift store. Nothing precious – they cost $1 apiece. But they were a huge hit with the kids, transforming regular ol’ dinner into a true occasion! They loved those goblets for YEARS. I’m just saying, worth every penny!

Make a toast!

We cheers each other every night at the dinner table. It is our family ritual and a way to connect. The word “Cheers” comes from an old French word "chiere" which meant “face”, it also eventually came to mean “gladness,” and was used as a way of expressing encouragement to others. Today, “cheers”, is simply a symbolic way of toasting with the wish of good cheer and good health to those dining around us. We clink glasses to get as many of our five senses involved: You can see, feel, taste, and smell it. It is believed that clinking glasses was done during toasts because sound helped to please all five senses, completing the dining experience becoming a communal celebration. What would your family toast be? Here are a few to get you started: 

  • “A toast to bread; without bread, there would be no toast.”
  • "There are good ships, and there are wood ships, The ships that sail the sea. But the best ships, are friendships, And may they always be."
  • "May every day bring more happiness than yesterday."
  • "May you have all the happiness and luck that life can hold, and at the end of your rainbows, may you find a pot of gold."
  • "May the most you wish for be the least you get."
  • "May good fortune precede you, love walk with you, and good friends follow you."
  • "May our home be a place where friends meet, family gathers, and love grows."
  • "May we be loved by those we love."

Or as Bill and Ted once said,  "Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes."

A happy, healthy, and joyful New Year to everyone!

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