Kid-friendly Lucky Lemon Soda Recipe - Sticky Fingers Cooking
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Recipe: Lucky Lemon Soda

Recipe: Lucky Lemon Soda

Lucky Lemon Soda

by Erin Fletter
Photo by Africa Studio/
prep time
5 minutes
cook time
4-6 servings

Fun-Da-Mentals Kitchen Skills

  • squeeze :

    to firmly press or twist a food with fingers, hands, or a device to remove its liquid, like shredded potatoes, frozen and thawed spinach, or tofu.

  • stir :

    to mix together two or more ingredients with a spoon or spatula, usually in a circle pattern, or figure eight, or in whatever direction you like!

Equipment Checklist

  • Cutting board + kid-safe knife
  • Citrus juicer (optional)
  • Pitcher
  • Measuring spoons


Lucky Lemon Soda

  • 2 lemons
  • 2 to 4 T honey/sugar/powdered sugar/agave nectar (or 2 to 3 stevia packets), to taste
  • 1 large bottle sparkling water
  • ice


Lucky Lemon Soda

squeeze + stir

Have kids squeeze the juice of 2 lemons into a pitcher and remove any seeds. Add 2 to 4 tablespoons of honey and mix well. Top with 1 large bottle of sparkling water and ice and stir. Taste and add more sweetener if needed!

Surprise Ingredient: Lemon!

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Photo by Alena Levykin/

Hi! I'm Lemon!

“I just love the sun, don't you? That's because I'm a lemon, and we grow so much better in sun and warmth. My skin is a lovely, sunny yellow color. I'm a citrus fruit, but I'm not sweet like an orange. So if you bite into me, your mouth might pucker! But if you squeeze out my juice, then add water and sugar to it, you'll enjoy the sweet and sour taste of lemonade! My zest and juice can bring a wonderful brightness to many dishes."


  • Lemon trees are small evergreen trees thought to be native to Asia. Sometime in the first century, they came to Italy and the Mediterranean region. Although the trees were widely distributed throughout the Middle East and Mediterranean countries between the 8th and 11th centuries, they weren't cultivated to a great extent until the middle of the 1400s in Italy. Spanish explorers brought lemon seeds with them to the Americas later in the 15th century. By the 19th century, you could find lemon trees in Florida and California.
  • Today, California and Arizona produce 95 percent of the entire lemon crop in the United States.
  • During the European Renaissance, fashionable ladies used lemon juice as a way to redden their lips! Today you might find people with naturally blond or light brown hair using lemon juice, diluted with water, to lighten their hair. This method is subtle and requires exposure to sunlight to see results, so be sure to put sunscreen on your skin!
  • Lemons were once so rare that kings would give them away as gifts. 

Anatomy & Etymology

  • There are two different types of lemons—acidic and sweet. The most common acidic varieties include Eurekas and Lisbons. The acidic types are grown commercially, and the sweet types are grown mainly by home gardeners. Lemon trees bloom and produce fruit year-round. Each tree can produce up to 500 to 600 lemons annually.  
  • Lemons are hybrids of bitter or sour oranges and citrons, another type of citrus fruit.
  • Lemons are technically berries. All citrus fruits are berries!
  • Lemons are protected by a rind or peel and a lining of spongy, white tissue called the "pith." When zesting lemon peel for a recipe, you want to avoid including the pith, which is bitter. Lemon flesh is plump, full of juice, and studded with seeds.
  • Common types of lemons include Eureka, Lisbon, and Meyer. Meyer lemons have a sweeter, more floral taste and aroma. They are a combination of a lemon and a sweet orange. Eureka lemons are the most prolifically grown lemon in the world. They have pointed, tapered ends. 
  • The word "lemon" is from the Middle English "lymon," from the Old French "limon," which is from the Arabic "līmūn," a collective term for citrus fruits.

How to Pick, Buy, & Eat

  • To choose lemons with the most juice, look for those with thin peels and are heavy for their size. There are about three tablespoons of lemon juice in one lemon and about eight seeds.  
  • Lemon juice is sour by itself, but you can add lemon juice and zest from the rind to bring an acidic balance to a sweeter recipe, like cakes, cookies, and curds. It also brightens up vinaigrettes, marinades, and risottos. Lemons can be squeezed over grilled, fried, or roasted chicken, fish, or vegetables. You can make lemonade with the juice and tea from the lemon leaves.
  • Lemon juice keeps cut pears, apples, bananas, and avocados from turning brown because the acid helps keep the fruit from oxidizing.  


  • Vitamin C! The rind of the lemon has the most vitamin C. Since lemons are high in vitamin C, they have been used throughout history to prevent scurvy—a disease that causes bleeding gums, loose teeth, and aching joints. To this day, the British Navy requires ships to carry enough lemons so that every sailor can have one ounce of lemon juice a day. The demand for lemons and their scurvy-preventing properties hit a peak during the California Gold Rush of 1849. Miners were willing to pay large sums for a single lemon. As a result, lemon trees were planted in abundance throughout California. 
  • Lemon oil, extracted from lemon peel, cannot be ingested. However, when diluted and applied to a person's skin, there is evidence that it acts as an antibacterial and antifungal. Diffused in the air or added to bath water as aromatherapy, it can ease anxiety and stress, lift mood, and sharpen brain function.
  • Citrus fruits, like lemons and limes, have citric acid, which can help prevent kidney stones from forming.


History of Italian Soda!

Photo by Aedka Studio/
  • Italian soda was developed in the United States, not Italy! It was first made by Torani, a San Francisco, California company, which makes flavored syrups. 
  • The founders, Rinaldo and Ezilda Torre were Italian immigrants who introduced their syrups to the San Francisco North Beach neighborhood in 1925. They created an Italian soda by mixing their syrups with sparkling water (also called carbonated or soda water).
  • You can easily make an Italian soda at home with flavored syrup (typically fruit-flavored), sparkling water, and ice. If you add half-and-half or heavy cream to the concoction, it becomes a cremosa or Italian cream soda. The Italian word "cremoso" is "creamy" in English.

Lettuce Joke Around

Why did the lemon stop halfway across the road? 

He ran out of juice!

That's Berry Funny

What did the lemon say to the cake? 

"Sour you doing?"

The Yolk's On You

Why did the lemon have no friends? 

Because she was a sour-puss!

The Yolk's On You

What do you give an injured lemon?


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